Ave Verum Corpus
03:10 duration|Composed in 2023|Difficulty: Intermediate|First performed: October 2023
Ave Verum Corpus won the New Music for St Paul’s 2023 Composition Competition out of ~90 entries. It is written in the Dorian ‘Flat 2’ Mode, which is a more dissonant alternative to the Dorian Mode. I love tone clusters and jazz-infused harmony, which comes across in this piece.
Ave verum corpus, natum
De Maria Virgine:
Vere passum immolatum
In cruce pro homine.
Cuius latus perforatum
Unda fluxit sanguine:
Esto nobis praegustatum
In mortis examine.
O dulcis, o pie, o Jesu, Fili Mariae, miserere mei. Amen.
Hail, true body, born
of the Virgin Mary:
truly you suffer, offered in sacrifice
on the cross for man.
From whose pierced side flowed the blood: may we have tasted of you when we come to the trial of death.
O gentle, loving Jesus, Son of Mary, have mercy on me. Amen.
Attributed to Pope Innocent VI (1282-1362)